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Foreman / Installation of Foreman


Foreman runs on Python 2.7. This can be downloaded from Official Python Downloads. Python should be added to your environmental variables.

If you don't want to use the natively supported SQLite database; you can also use Postgresql.

Foreman has been tested and built on the Windows Platform, however Python is fully supported on Linux and OS X so it should also work without any issues. Please add an issue if there are any compatibility issues with non-Windows operating systems.


Download and unzip the foreman files to where you would like to run Foreman from, e.g. C:\foreman.

Using setuptools

Make sure you have setuptools installed. In the command line, navigate to the Foreman folder, and then just run:

python install

This will install all the libraries required. Please use this folder you are currently in to run Foreman. Running foreman for the first time.

Packages that need separate installation

If you would like to export the case notes to RTF format, you will need to install PyRTF from SourceForge. This is unfortunately not downloadable from PyPI.

If you would like to export the case notes to PDF, you will need to install xhtml2pdf. This can be done via PyPI, but the installer may cause issues with some Windows builds as it requires compiled C extensions and some files from Visual Studio 2008. If you are having problems, this Stack Overflow post may be able to help.

Neither of these packages are required to use Foreman, only if you want to export.
